Scooter Accidents in the Bridgeport, CT Area

E-Scooters: What You Need to Know

E-scooters are battery-powered, rechargeable, small vehicles (technically in the category of micromobility). Scooters are manufactured with a simple design of handlebars for steering,  a handle for braking and throttling, two small wheels, a deck for standing on while riding, and a rechargeable battery.

They’re built for one driver, no passengers, and the driver must have a valid driver’s license.  Riders under the age of 18 are required to wear a helmet.  All riders are strongly encouraged to wear helmets because the risk of head, face, and neck injuries is so high. These small vehicles can cause extensive injuries, and you need a scooter accident lawyer to help you.

Scooter rentals are managed through an app and charge pennies per mile. They are promising to drastically cut carbon emissions because they use no fossil fuels.


Bird Scooter

Manufacturer Bird promises their micromobility scooters will last 18 months on the road as rental vehicles. A Bird scooter injury lawsuit can arise from a careless rental rider or a scooter not correctly maintained or repaired.


Lynx Scooter

This company is new on the scooter scene, operating only in Connecticut at this time, including the city of Bridgeport and the University of Bridgeport.

Scooters have been touted as an inexpensive alternative to driving larger vehicles for commutes.  It would be very difficult to establish a reliable commute route because the e-scooters are not allowed on streets where the speed limit is 35 miles per hour or less.

As with most good ideas, these scooters come with some downsides. For example, some scooters can reach speeds of more than 20 miles per hour, high enough to result in serious damage. In addition, a scooter in disrepair or a careless driver can cause serious injuries.

Even when abiding by the rules to obey all traffic laws and wearing a helmet, scooter injuries are often much worse than just a few scrapes and bruises.


Common Types of Injuries

Trips to the emergency room because of scooter injuries have tripled in recent years. Accounts for 25,400 ER visits according to the Consumer Product Safety Commission.

Scooters are very small, lightweight, and do not offer much in the way of safety features for the rider. 

A scooter accident resulting in a serious head injury is one of the most common scooter injuries and can prove fatal.

Reports about injuries specific to e-scooter accidents include:

  • Abrasions, lacerations, and bruises
  • Broken bones
  • Neck injuries
  • Punctured lungs
  • Traumatic Head injury
  • Fractures to the cervical spine, face, and skull
  • Death


Common Causes of E-Scooter Crashes

Failing to obey rules and laws specific to riding scooters on the streets or sidewalks in town cause the vast majority of serious injuries. Required safe operating procedures include:

  • Obey all traffic laws, including traffic signs and signals
  • Always wear a helmet
  • Yield to pedestrians
  • Pay attention to surroundings and road conditions
  • Never drink or use drugs and drive

The e-scooter accident was caused by a rider who lost control of the e-vehicle: 

With more scooters on the road hitting speeds of 15-20 miles per hour, often on sidewalks rather than streets, a lot can go wrong. The result may be an injury to the driver only, but unfortunately, usually, it’s someone else who is badly hurt.

The e-scooter rider is hit by another vehicle: 

Small and fast, e-scooters can zip around city streets with ease. Unfortunately, size and speed also make them hard to spot and difficult for other drivers to avoid. Even if the rider is wearing a helmet, they risk severe injury and even death if hit by a car or truck whose driver failed to see the scooter in time.

An e-scooter hits a pedestrian:

Scooters are supposed to follow the same laws as other vehicles on the road. Unfortunately, distracted driving is common on these micromobility vehicles. Even experienced riders could experience a serious injury on a Bird scooter or a Lynx. E-scooters are often viewed as a bit of fun. However, they can cause nasty accidents when the driver fails to see a pedestrian or fails to brake safely and early enough to prevent a collision with a person, a piece of property, or a vehicle.

The e-scooter is improperly maintained:  

Companies that provide e-scooters for rent are ultimately responsible for ensuring the vehicles cause no harm. Sometimes maintenance is hit-or-miss at best. The scooters are ridden daily by renters who have no stake in making sure the small vehicle is road ready. People who irresponsibly hop off the scooter and just leave it lying around wherever cause additional hazards. The scooter’s owner will most likely still bear the brunt of a suit based on those actions.

Whatever the cause, you need an electric scooter accident lawyer.

Who Can Be Held Accountable?

Scooter accidents resulting in serious injury may be the fault of a scooter driver. Whether driving the e-scooter while impaired or distracted, even though they’re only renting the vehicle itself, they’re still responsible for what happens during the ride.

In some cases, the city or county may bear the cost of the blame in such cases as poorly maintained streets or sidewalks, which lead to accidents. For example, riders are urged to go more slowly on sidewalks than on roads, but a crack, pothole, or grate may result in an accident with injuries. The liability is higher if it’s found that someone previously reported the problem to the city or county. Our e-scooter accident attorneys can research and reveal if that’s the case. 

The scooter company itself is liable if the e-vehicle is not adequately maintained. The companies are also ultimately responsible if someone is injured tripping over an irresponsibly parked scooter.

Ideally, each e-scooter should be assessed for whether it has a defect or is damaged between each ride. Important parts may be damaged in a minor scrape involving a scooter or a rider carelessly letting it fall to the ground and then walking away.

Experts say the specific parts which must be in good condition include:

  1. The brakes
  2. Handlebars
  3. Throttle
  4. Lights
  5. Tires
  6. Cables
  7. Frame
  8. Signaling bell 

Ganim Law helps you figure out which other party is to blame in your specific scooter accident case.


I’ve Been in an E-Scooter Accident.  What Should I Be Getting?

There are many factors to consider following an accident. It is best to have an experienced Bird scooter accident lawyer on your side. Our team can take on cases involving Bird, Lynx, or a privately owned e-scooter.

Suppose another person or company is to blame for your injuries. In that case, there are many types of financial compensation you may be entitled to, either in legal negotiations or in court.

Our experienced team of lawyers can walk you through each type of relief you may be entitled to and may include some or all:

  • Emotional anguish
  • Pain and suffering
  • Medical expenses
  • Loss of income due to the accident and future income
  • Decreased quality of life

Ganim Law is Here to Help!

If you, a friend, or a family member have been in an accident involving a rental scooter, including a Bird or Lynx e-scooter, and wound up hurt, you may be due money to compensate for physical injuries or related property damages.

Call Ganim Law today for your free personal consultation. +1 (203) 908-3100

In most cases, you don’t pay unless we win your personal injury lawsuit or a settlement.

Suppose you’ve been injured while using a scooter, especially a public scooter. In that case, you may be entitled to payment for suffering and medical expenses.

Attorney Paul Ganim’s team brings decades of experience to help you through all the necessary legal hurdles so you get what you deserve.

Hire a team based in Bridgeport who are ready to take on your case now.


What Happens Once the Lawsuit is Filed?

Sometimes we can get a cash settlement for clients without ever stepping foot in a courtroom.

Another way to get what our client deserves is to enter mediation or arbitration with the defendant in the case.

The Ganim Law Firm stands ready to go into court for a trial if that’s the best course for an excellent outcome for our client.



Many people are uncomfortable bringing a lawsuit. However, it is a right within the law for people who have been harmed due to someone else’s negligence.

It is the legal recourse available to get a measure of justice and compensation to help with your losses.

If the scooter owner or operator’s actions were especially reckless or egregious, punitive damages might come into play, meaning a much larger settlement. But, again, the intention is that as a society, we follow the rules and watch out for others or face the consequences.

Your right to file a lawsuit and collect damages only lasts for a specific time following an injury accident. Therefore, you need a good e-scooter accident attorney to ensure your suit is properly filed within the time limit (called the statute of limitations).  Beyond that, you want to be sure every element proving negligence on the other party’s part is included for consideration of settlement or award.

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Paul J. Ganim
Alexa Billings
Jennifer Ganim
Nicholas Taylor