If you or someone you care about has been seriously injured because of an accident, an attack, or something that happened at work, reach out to us at Ganim Legal P.C. We will work to get you a fair amount of money to make up for what happened to you.
What Is a Serious Injury?
Only a doctor can tell you the extent of your injuries. But some general signs show an injury is serious:
1. If an injury permanently limits your ability to use part of your body.
2. If an injury affects how a bodily function or system works.
3. If a temporary injury stops you from doing everyday activities for at least 90 days, within 180 days from when you got hurt.
Here are other examples of serious injuries:
• Death
• Extensive disfigurement
• Dismemberment
• Compound fractures
• Fetus loss in the case of females
• Blindness
• Deafness
• Brain injuries

After being seriously injured, you may need someone to look after you and help you out daily. This can be costly, and you might not be able to work like you could before which can cause a loss of income. At Ganim Legal P.C., we work hard to fight for what you need and want. Attorney Paul Ganim can carefully guide you through the process to make sure you’re financially taken care of.
Symptoms of Serious Injuries
Symptoms from serious injuries can take a while to show up. If you get hurt at work, it’s important to gather solid evidence that proves you had an accident. Without proper documentation, it can be harder to prove it, especially because insurance companies will try their best to avoid taking responsibility. They have teams of lawyers who work to minimize their losses.
At Ganim Legal P.C., we deal with insurance companies on your behalf to get you the best possible outcome.

If you experience any of the following symptoms, it could be a sign of a serious injury:
• Strong, recurrent headaches
• Loss of consciousness
• Amnesia
• Disorientation
• Dizziness
• Lack of focus
• Shoulder and/or neck pain
• Tingling or burning sensations in your limbs and adjacent body parts
• Blurred, decreased, or lost vision
• Hearing decrease or loss
• Fatigue
• Anxiety
• Depression
• Numbness (it can be psychological or physical)
Ganim Legal P.C. advises you not to ignore these symptoms. Get the proper medical and legal assistance you need immediately.
What Can You Claim?
Depending on how bad your injuries are, you might be able to claim multiple forms of compensation. These are some of the most common:
- Strong, recurrent headaches
- Loss of consciousness
- Amnesia
- Disorientation
- Dizziness
- Lack of focus
- Shoulder and/or neck pain
- Tingling or burning sensations in your limbs and adjacent body parts
- Blurred, decreased, or lost vision
- Hearing decrease or loss
- Fatigue
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Numbness (it can be psychological or physical)
Don’t settle for less. Get the best legal assistance you can.
Schedule your free consultation with a Ganim Legal injury Specialist today!