Getting the Support You Need When Going Through a Divorce

No matter the terms, making the decision to end a marriage is emotionally taxing. However, with the right representation, the divorce process itself doesn’t have to be. When going through this challenging time, hiring the right attorney to oversee your case can make a world of difference.

At Paul Ganim Legal, we proudly serve our local counties of Bridgeport, Westport, Greenwich, Darien, Fairfield, and Norwalk, Connecticut. Our experienced divorce attorneys are here to serve you with compassion, respect, and personable support and guidance so that you can make informed decisions and get the outcome that you deserve. We believe that client-attorney communication is the key to a favorable outcome, and will advocate for you through every step of the process.

There are several moving parts to settle when filing for a divorce. Depending on your unique situation, you may have to consider a number of factors including how to divide your shared financial assets, child custody and support, as well as any businesses or other investments involved. Figuring out how to negotiate so that both parties’ interests are protected can be a complex process. Having a trusted representative with experience in divorce proceedings can make this emotional process far more bearable.

Identify Your Needs

When entering the divorce process, it’s important to know what your primary needs are in terms of legal support. Some people prefer a divorce lawyer to make all of the decisions for them, while others want to work collaboratively with their attorney to discuss what they are looking to get out of the process.

Plan Your Approach

There are a few different approaches that you can take when proceeding with a divorce. You can choose to go the traditional route in a courtroom, or you can choose between two non-adversarial approaches: collaborative and mediation processes.

Collaborative divorce proceedings are carried out by both parties and their attorneys directly, outside of a courtroom. There are typically other specialists involved to handle specific matters such as finances and childcare. Collaborative divorces are a sound option for those looking to settle the separation to create the best solution for both parties.

The mediation process is similar to the collaborative process; however, only one attorney is involved. The mediator is chosen by both parties in order to reach an agreement. This selected third party informs both sides of their options so that they can reach a settlement. They then write up papers that serve as a contract between the two parties.

Protect Your Children

Everyone’s family situation is unique. In divorce proceedings, when both family and finances come into play, things can get complicated. Depending on your situation, you may have to consider factors including shared or sole custody, visitation rights, and child support. A divorce attorney can help to guide you towards the best situation for you and your children. Setting clear guidelines and establishing a new routine for your family can alleviate stress from what may be the most emotionally challenging aspect of a separation.

Take Your Time

As much as one would like this emotional time to be over and done with as soon as possible, it is important to do your research and take some time to decide the route you want to take. This way you can ensure that the process is carried out in such a way that will benefit you in the long run.

When searching for legal advice, don’t be shy about asking your potential representative questions to get a feel for how they will represent you. It’s important to establish an open and communicative relationship with your attorney so that you can get the most favorable outcome for your needs. A good attorney will help you to work through this emotional process in an informed and logical way so that you can determine and focus on what is important to you.

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Paul J. Ganim
Alexa Billings
Jennifer Ganim
Nicholas Taylor