Study reveals that an alarming number of doctors don’t perform physical exams
On behalf of Paul J. Ganim P.C. posted in Medical Malpractice on Monday, January 4, 2016. Many Connecticut residents have likely heard troubling stories of patients whose baseball-sized cancerous masses went undiagnosed or whose late-term...
Retail storage hazards expose workers to injuries and illnesses
On behalf of Paul J. Ganim P.C. posted in Workers Compensation on Saturday, December 19, 2015. A Connecticut owner of a retail store, regardless whether it is a multiple-store enterprise or a stand-alone business, must provide a safe workplace...
For aging Baby Boomers, driving can be difficult to give up
On behalf of Paul J. Ganim P.C. posted in Car Accidents on Monday, December 7, 2015. Individuals in the United States who were born between 1946 and 1964 are part of the infamous Baby Boomer generation. Today's Baby Boomers are between the ages of...
Workers’ compensation: Utility worker injured by speeding driver
On behalf of Paul J. Ganim P.C. posted in Workers Compensation on Tuesday, November 24, 2015. Two utility workers in another state suffered serious injuries in an accident that was allegedly caused by the driver of a speeding vehicle. According to...
When a work injury occurs
On behalf of Paul J. Ganim P.C. posted in Workers Compensation on Tuesday, November 10, 2015. Work-related accidents and injuries are fairly common and, at times, may be serious enough to warrant medical care, inhibit a worker's ability to return...
Is your loved one safe in a nursing home?
On behalf of Paul J. Ganim P.C. posted in Medical Malpractice on Friday, October 30, 2015. According to The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, more than 24,200 people in Connecticut are residents at certified nursing home facilities. Additionally,...
Are your child’s products and toys safe?
On behalf of Paul J. Ganim P.C. posted in Products Liability on Friday, October 16, 2015. When most Connecticut residents look around their homes and think about the sheer number of products they own and use on a daily basis, it’s fairly amazing....
Have you or a family member been the victim of a diagnostic error?
On behalf of Paul J. Ganim P.C. posted in Medical Malpractice on Monday, September 28, 2015. When an individual is experiencing odd symptoms or feeling ill, he or she may seek the advice of a doctor to figure out what’s wrong and how to fix or make...
We can help after a car accident
On behalf of Paul J. Ganim P.C. posted in Workers Compensation on Thursday, September 17, 2015. Distracted, aggressive and speeding drivers pose a danger to all other drivers, passengers and pedestrians with whom they share the road. In cases where...
When injuries result from a dangerous and defective product
On behalf of Paul J. Ganim P.C. posted in Products Liability on Tuesday, September 1, 2015. When the average U.S. resident stops and thinks about the sheer number of products with which he or she interacts and engages on a daily basis, it can be...