Domestic Violence & Restraining Orders
Nothing is more important than your safety and your children’s safety. If you have been a victim of domestic violence or if your spouse has threatened to harm you, you need to take immediate legal action to protect yourself. Because so much is at stake, however, it is vital to seek the guidance of a family law attorney in this process.
At Ganim Legal, P.C., we truly care about the welfare of our clients. When you work with us, our first priority is to help ensure your safety. We will help you petition for a restraining order or a protective order. Depending on the specific circumstances in your case, these legal orders can prevent a spouse (or anyone you have a close relationship with) from being within a certain distance of you, contacting you directly or having other people contact you on his/her behalf.
Everyone at our law firm understands that issues of domestic abuse can be difficult to deal with. You may feel embarrassed, scared or hopeless. We want you to know that our entire staff is here to support you. Attorney Paul Ganim and our team provide a safe and comfortable environment for you to discuss your family issues. We are here not only to help you get legal protection, but also to support you during this difficult time.
While many suffer abuse at the hands of a spouse, there are other times when false allegations are made. Some women and men wrongfully use restraining orders in an attempt to get an unfair advantage during divorce. If you have been given a restraining order, but are the victim of false accusations, our law firm can help. We will fight on your behalf to have the order thrown out and work diligently to protect your best interests as we move forward in the divorce process.
Learn more about restraining orders in Connecticut and how to protect yourself from domestic violence. Contact us at <a href=”tel:203 908-3100″>203 908-3100</a> to arrange a free consultation with our Bridgeport domestic violence lawyer.